Smart Controller
Smart sprinkler controllers are Wi-Fi based controllers that have built-in water saving features that will save you money month over month. These predictive weather controllers adjust to the optimal sprinkler run time based on local weather conditions. For example, when the South Texas heat hits over 100 degrees, smart controllers will automatically increase watering run times to offset the extreme South Texas heat. Similarly, should temperatures dip below 70 degrees, the Smart controller will decrease watering run times.
Smart controllers also provide home owners with the ability to monitor their system remotely using the mobile app or a web browser from anywhere in the world. This function allows home owners to turn on each zone from their mobile device while walking the yard. With a smart controller, you no longer need to run back and forth to the controller to see if you have a leak or a broken sprinkler.
Flow Meter
Flow meters have gained popularity over recent years because of their ability to monitor flow rates and alert home owners of leaks, breaks, or malfunctioning valves in the sprinkler system. Unfortunately, most water leaks can go undetected for months without anyone noticing which leads to expensive water bills. Flow meters save home owners money by immediately alerting them, via email or SMS, of a high-flow event.