Sprinkler Systems of South Texas was founded in 2017 by Danny and Monica Guevara.
Mr. Guevara is a graduate of St. Mary’s University (San Antonio) and holds a Master of Art in International Relations and a Master of Art in Political Science. Upon graduation, Mr. Guevara founded and co-founded multiple companies in the real estate, finance, and oil & gas sectors.
Ms. Guevara is a graduate of Texas A&M University (College Station) and holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Upon graduation, Ms. Guevara worked on projects that included The Shops at La Cantera (San Antonio), The Pearl Brewery (San Antonio), and Sharyland Plantation (Mission).
Mr. and Ms. Guevara have been happily married since 2005. They have two beautiful and energetic children who love playing football and volleyball.
“We hold ourselves and our employees to the highest of standards. We are growing our business on the trust that we develop with our clients and the kind words they share about our work. Customer service, integrity, and hard work are the cornerstones of our business.” – Danny Guevara